NFT by

I want to start selling my NFT with a huge bang💥. 

Unique photo NFT

My photo of the steam train in the Harz region of Germany has won several awards. In a worldwide photo contest organized by Canon. My photo was chosen as one of the 10 best. The photo was featured full page in the Canon magazine PhotoPlus. It also won first prize at PhotoCrowd. In the Facebook group about the Harz Mountains a photo never got so many likes. You can quietly say that it is my masterpiece. 

About me

I am a landscape photographer who goes for the WOW picture. I live in the province Friesland in the Netherlands Europe. My work is recognizable by the surprising choices of subject, composition and not to forget color. You keep looking at my picture and hopefully you say WOW! If you do, my picture is successful. After all, I show you the world through my eyes and it is truly beautiful. Okay, you have to have an eye for it and get out of bed at odd hours 😇. But when I am in the landscape and all the pieces of the puzzle fall together I am super happy. 

No idea

Until recently, I had no idea what exactly NFT entailed. Okay I had heard of it but that was it. However, blockchain had been itching for a while. It fascinated me enormously.I had to master the new world of crypto and wallet. Fortunately, I got help which ensured that I could quickly start I had to master the new world of crypto and wallet. Fortunately, I got help which ensured that I could quickly let go. Now I know how it works and am starting the sale of a mega large NFT. To kick off the sale of NFT through my website, I’m starting with my best picture ever.  You can only start well once, right? 

Serie of 10 NFT

To start the sale NFT with a bang I will start selling this unique NFT photo. It is series of 10 NFT with a size of 35mb. Are all 10 sold then I will never sell the photo as NFT again. It is a unique photo now and in the future. Will you take the chance? I would love it!

Do you have questions? Drop me a message. I will answer within a day. Promised!